A Successful Start for Our Stallions in the Equilano Stallion Competition 2025!

During the 1st round of the Equilano Stallion Competition 2025, three colored stallions standing at stud at Hoeve Ter Linden participated. We are proud to announce that they all jumped clear rounds!

It brings us great joy to see that the stallions are progressing in their training to the level we had hoped for.

A special mention goes to Cayenne Pepper Ter Linden, a son of Chilli Willi. He had already proven his qualities by being a finalist in the jump-off of the Belgian Championship for 4-year-old horses in Gesves last year.

We continue to work enthusiastically on the further development of our horses and look forward to what the future holds. Thank you for your trust and support!

Kind regards,
Hoeve Ter Linden