Ceasar Ter Linden
We are proud to announce that Ceasar Ter Linden (XX05) has received the Preferent title from the Barock Pinto Studbook, highlighting his exceptional quality and genetic value. This remarkable stallion, with top sires Purioso and Olympic Ferro in his pedigree, combines proven performance with versatility.
As a homozygous pinto warmblood (Tobiano TO/TO), Ceasar Ter Linden guarantees pinto-colored foals, making him a popular choice for breeders seeking visually striking and talented offspring. With over 20 approved sons and a proven record of breeding success, he has left a lasting impact on the warmblood world.
In addition to KWPN registration, Ceasar Ter Linden is also approved by the AES and Barock Pinto Studbook, further solidifying his international recognition. His DNA demonstrates desirable traits, such as E/E (no chestnut pinto), N/N for Overo and Sabino (not a carrier of overo or sabino factors), and a/a for Agouti. He is also free of WFFS and transmissible diseases such as EVA and anemia, and his clinical and radiological evaluations are perfect.
Ceasar Ter Linden’s offspring are known for their strong limbs and pleasant character, making them popular with both hobby breeders seeking reliable recreational horses and professional breeders. His progeny are versatile and perform at high levels, with sons excelling internationally in jumping, dressage, and eventing.
In short, Ceasar Ter Linden is a true all-rounder, offering breeders the opportunity to produce quality foals suited for both sport and recreation.
Photos and videos of offspring available in the Facebook group Facebook